German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2021 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


Version a. How strongly do you care about the campaign for the upcoming federal election?
[Wie stark interessiert Sie der Wahlkampf zur bevorstehenden Bundestagswahl?]

Version b. How important is it to you personally how the upcoming federal election turns out?
[Wie wichtig ist es Ihnen persönlich, wie die kommende Bundestagswahl ausgeht?]


Version a:
Very strongly [sehr stark]
Strongly [stark]
Moderately [mittelmäßig]
Less strongly [weniger stark]
Not at all [überhaupt nicht]
Version b:
Very important [sehr wichtig]
Important [wichtig]
Moderately [mittelmäßig]
Less important [nicht so wichtig]
Not important at all [überhaupt nicht wichtig]


Question: We recommend asking "how much" instead of "how strongly" for question 12.

Response format: In order to adapt the response options to the questions in terms of wording, we recommend that both response scales be rephrased a little:

Question 12a: „very“ – „rather“ – „moderately“ – „rather not“ – „not at all“

Question 12b: „very important“ – „rather important“ – „moderately“ – „rather unimportant“ – „very unimportant“