Question: We recommend asking "how much" instead of "how strongly" for question 12.
Response format: In order to adapt the response options to the questions in terms of wording, we recommend that both response scales be rephrased a little:
Question 12a: „very“ – „rather“ – „moderately“ – „rather not“ – „not at all“
Question 12b: „very important“ – „rather important“ – „moderately“ – „rather unimportant“ – „very unimportant“
Questions 12a and 12b asked about interest in the upcoming federal election and the importance of the outcome of this election. Both questions used a five-point scale. More persons (n = 5) indicated that the outcome of the election was "very important" to them than that they "cared very strongly" about the election (n = 3). Similarly, more persons indicated that they cared "less strongly" (n = 4) about the election than indicated that they find the outcome "less important" (n = 1).
1. Are the two questions experienced by respondents as interchangeable?
The response distributions already indicated that the questions were not perceived as interchangeable or redundant by the persons. Numbering the differently named scales, three persons chose the same value in both questions. Six persons placed a higher value on the election outcome than they did on personal interest. Only one respondent (TP 03) stated that she was "very interested" in the Bundestag election, but that the outcome was only "moderately" important to her.
When asked, all ten test persons stated that the two questions would depict different aspects. The first question was aimed at interest in the election in the run-up to the election, while the second question represented the importance of the election outcome:
No comprehension problems were evident with either question.