European Working Conditions Survey 2024

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in English, German and Polish.*


English version:

What sector of business or industry is the company or organisation where you work mainly active in?

German version:

In welcher Branche oder in welchem Wirtschaftszweig ist das Unternehmen bzw. die Organisation, für die Sie arbeiten, überwiegend tätig?


English version:

Please describe the sector of business or industry in as much detail as possible. Examples are: “retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco” (not: “trade”), “manufacture of cutlery” (not: “factory”), “management of real estate on a fee or contract basis“ (not: “service sector”), or “software development” (not: “IT”).

German version:

Bitte beschreiben Sie die Branche/den Wirtschaftszweig so detailliert wie möglich. Beispiele sind: "Einzelhandelsverkauf von Lebensmitteln, Getränken und Tabakwaren" (nicht: "Handel"), "Herstellung von Besteck" (nicht: Fabrik), "Verwaltung von Immobilien auf Honorar- oder Vertragsbasis" (nicht: "Dienstleistungssektor"), oder "Softwareentwicklung" (nicht: "IT").


Open Answer


Regarding the question format, the results from cognitive pretesting show that a four-digit coding of the NACE level cannot be achieved for a clear majority of respondents using open-ended questions. If a four-digit NACE level coding is required, we suggest that this information is collected by interviewers in the course of an offline recruitment.

Regarding the question text, the Polish translation of the word “sector” should be omitted, and only the translation of the word “industry” kept, to avoid confusion with the public and private sector

Regarding the instruction, we recommend

  • mirroring the grammatical structure of the instructions in Q5 (i.e., “write ‘[detailed example]’ instead of ‘[vague example]’”)
  • including examples from common industries, such as construction, transport, health sector, or teaching