Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
Nein |
Zuwanderer sind im Allgemeinen gut für die deutsche Wirtschaft.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:A total of five test persons stated that they could not answer item b) ("Don't know"). Four of these five test persons have difficulties with the interpretation of the term "immigrant", which they find too imprecise: "immigrant" is too general a term, one has to distinguish between different groups of immigrants. The following two quotations illustrate this problem:
Thema der Frage:
Gesellschaft & Soziales/ Einstellungen zu sozialen Gruppen
Konstrukt:Ethnic assimilation/ethnic pluralism
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
Die deutsche Kultur wird im Allgemeinen von Zuwanderern untergraben.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:Most of the test persons do not agree or do not agree at all with this statement. Only two test persons answer "agree".
The term "undermining culture" is interpreted correctly by 18 of the 20 test persons, i.e. in the sense that immigrants represent a threat or danger to the continued existence of German culture or that German culture can be lost through immigration. These 18 test persons also correctly interpret item e) as the opposite pole to item d) ("Immigrants affect Germany..."). Four of the 18 test persons associate the term with the "active" repression or destruction of German culture:
Thema der Frage:
Gesellschaft & Soziales/ Einstellungen zu sozialen Gruppen
Konstrukt:Ethnic assimilation/ethnic pluralism
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
Legale Zuwanderer sollten die gleichen Möglichkeiten einer Schulbildung haben wie die Deutschen.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:All test persons agree or fully agree with the statement.
All 20 test persons interpret the term "opportunities for school education" as access to educational opportunities and thus in the sense intended by the researchers:
However, the answers of the test persons show that there is no connection between the interpretation of the term "school education" (narrow versus broad interpretation) and the agreement on item h). All 20 test persons agree or fully agree with the statement, regardless of whether they only think of access to grades 1 to 13 or whether they also include access to further education. The statements of the 15 respondents, who interpret the term rather broadly, suggest that they do not distinguish between different educational areas but rather make a general judgement about access to educational opportunities. Thema der Frage:
Gesellschaft & Soziales/ Einstellungen zu sozialen Gruppen
Konstrukt:Ethnic assimilation/ethnic pluralism
Ja |