Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
Unruhestifter sollten deutlich zu spüren bekommen, dass sie in der Gesellschaft unerwünscht sind.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Since the test persons understood the term "troublemakers" to mean both people who move outside the democratic rules and those who move within the democratic rules, we recommend specifying the term.
Befund zum Item: How do respondents interpret the term "troublemaker"?
Half of the respondents agreed "rather" (n = 3) or "completely" (n = 2 ) with the statement, two respondents placed themselves in the middle answer category, and three respondents "rather disagreed" (n = 2) or "completely disagreed" (n = 1) with the statement, so there is a slight tendency toward agreement. The majority (n = 6 ) of the test persons understood the term "troublemakers" to mean criminals, delinquents, troublemakers, activists and demonstrators ready to use violence:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Authoritarianism, populism, detachement
Ja |
Ein starker Führer ist gut für Deutschland, auch wenn er sich nicht immer an die Regeln hält, um die Dinge voranzubringen.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
We suggest the following rewording:
"Having a strong leading force in government is good for Germany, even if he or she occasionally decides things on his or her own to move it forward." Befund zum Item:How do respondents perceive the term "strong leader"?
The majority of persons “completely disagreed” with the statement (n= 7 ) or "rather disagreed" (n = 1 ), with one subject each locating themselves in the middle answer category or “rather agreeing” with the statement. When asked what they understood by a "strong leader," eight respondents mentioned the reference to the Nazi era and Hitler:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Authoritarianism, populism, detachement
Ja |
Die Wertvorstellungen von Leuten wie mir werden in der Gesellschaft immer unwichtiger.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:What do respondents mean by "people like me"?
All respondents selected, relatively evenly, one of the three middle response categories. One third “rather agreed” with the statement (n = 3), the second third chose the answer category "neither agree nor disagree " (n= 3) and the last third “rather disagreed” with the statement (n= 4). Under "people like me" the majority of the test persons understood the average Joe, who comes from the middle class, with average income:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Authoritarianism, populism, detachement
Ja |
Gewöhnliche Bürger teilen dieselben Werte und Interessen.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
We propose the following rewording:
"The majority of society shares the same values and interests in Germany." Befund zum Item: What do respondents mean by "ordinary citizens"?
Four respondents "rather disagreed" (n = 3 ) or "completely disagreed" (n = 1) with the statement, four others "neither disagreed nor agreed", one respondent selected "rather agree" and another said she could not specify: "'The normal citizens' - [...] that's just stupid. I can't answer that because I don't know what is meant by 'normal' in that case." (TP 05) Three other test persons (TP 01, 06, 09) also stated that they had had problems with the question or wording:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Authoritarianism, populism, detachement
Ja |