Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE) (English Version)
Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The Dari and Arabic translation of the items were tested. These are English translations of the original German source items.*
Below are some opinions that are sometimes said about a democratic political system. Please indicate how much you agree with each statement. [Im Folgenden sehen Sie einige Meinungen, die manchmal über ein demokratisches politisches System gesagt werden. Geben Sie bitte an, wie sehr Sie den jeweiligen Aussagen zustimmen.]
do not agree at all [stimme gar nicht zu]
little agree [stimme wenig zu]
agree moderately [stimme mittelmäßig zu]
pretty much agree [stimme ziemlich zu]
fully agree [stimme voll und ganz zu] not specified[keine Angabe]
Befund/Empfehlungen zur Multi-Item-Skala
The introductory question text was systematically tested. Only spontaneous reactions of the test persons to the items are available, if at all.
What do the test persons understand by "democracy"?
There was no difference in the understanding of the word "democracy" between the languages and countries. Slightly more than half of the test persons understood it mainly to mean freedom of opinion and speech (SY01, SY02, SY03, SY06, IR01, IR03, IR06, DA04, DA06). Other types of freedom such as (social) freedoms in general (SY03, SY04, DA02, DA04), pressfreedom (DA04, DA06), freedom of religion (IR01, IR05), freedom of dress (IR01), and personal freedom (IR05) were also mentioned by the test persons. The second aspect mentioned by the test persons was that a democratic government is one elected by the people (DA03, DA05) and that there are referendums (SY02, SY06, IR06). The third item included under "democracy" was equal treatment (IR05, DA01), living in dignity (IR03), and respect (IR05).
Regardless of the country of origin or language version, or across all countries of origin and language versions, the problem was that many test persons (Syria: n = 4, Iraq: n = 1, Afghanistan: n = 4) stated that they were not (well) acquainted with politics in general and political topics in particular and that they did not concern themselves with them. These were also the main test persons who did not answer one or both of the questions. However, many other test persons who selected a scale point also stated that they had nothing to do with politics. In several cases, it remained unclear whether the test persons were actually unfamiliar with democracy and political issues or whether they perceived the topic as sensitive or too personal.
In an Arabic interview, a test person from Syria (SY03) did not understand the question at first, but only when the interpreter explained it to her again in dialect. The interpreter then pointed out that it should be noted again (in the items themselves and not just in the initial instructions) that the question was about the political system itself and not about a party. Another Syrian and an Afghan test person (SY05, DA02) also explicitly stated that they did not know what democracy was and were not familiar with the word.
Introduction: Since a few test persons were unfamiliar with the term democracy and very many stated that they were unfamiliar with politics, it would be worth considering inserting a brief explanation of this political system and possibly distinguishing it from other forms of government.
In addition, the word "Sie" is missing in the introductory question text in the German template.
Items: No changes recommended.
Response format: No changes recommended.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
Comprehension Probing, Specific Probing, Emergent Probing
Aktiv getestet
Democracies are weak in decision-making and there is too much bickering and dispute. (2)[Demokratien sind entscheidungsschwach und es gibt zu viel Zank und Streit. (2)]
Democracy may have problems, but it is better than any other form of government. (4)[Die Demokratie mag Probleme mit sich bringen, aber sie ist besser als jede andere Regierungsform. (4)]