a. … wind turbines were to be built? [...Windräder gebaut werden sollen?]
b. ...a high-voltage line was to be laid underground? [...eine Hochspannungsleitung in der Erde verlegt werden soll?]
Item Text:
b. ...a high-voltage line was to be laid underground? [...eine Hochspannungsleitung in der Erde verlegt werden soll?]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
A negative attitude toward the laying of high-voltage lines underground (item b) was mostly justified by doubts about their safety, that they were less efficient than above-ground lines and not sustainable, or that the necessary construction measures were rejected. Respondents who were in favor of the infrastructure measures justified this by saying that undergrounding would be practical, safe, and not visually disruptive:
- "I don't know if it's safe." (TP231, response: rather disagree).
- "Undergrounding is significantly more expensive, reduces efficiency, and probably takes long-er." (TP345, response: rather disagree)
- "Offers many advantages (e.g., safe from storms, better for the environment, nicer)." (TP294, response: strongly agree).
- "Is necessary for the future and underground it does not disturb the view in nature." (TP382, Answer: strongly agree).
Even though the proportion of subjects who selected the middle category for item b was comparatively large, their responses to the probe did not indicate comprehension problems, but rather corresponded to "medium" agreement, that is, the measure was neither unambiguously rejected nor endorsed:
- "I am in favor if it is reasonable and well isolated and if the excavations do not use too much area. It is important that the original condition is restored if possible or well compensated by power companies." (TP384, response: neither agree nor disagree)
- "I think repair work is costly, roads need to be opened, etc." (TP392, response: neither agree nor disagree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Acceptance of infrastructural climate protection measures
c. ...a high-voltage power line with masts was to be built? [...eine Hochspannungsleitung mit Masten gebaut werden soll?]
Item Text:
c. ...a high-voltage power line with masts was to be built? [...eine Hochspannungsleitung mit Masten gebaut werden soll?]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item c, a negative attitude was justified by the fact that high-voltage lines with masts (especially during storms) posed a danger and were visually disturbing. Those who agreed with the item mainly justified this with the necessity of masts for the power supply or with the fact that they were the rule and people had already become accustomed to them:
- "I think that doesn't look good, there are other options today. And for health it is not good to have them near you either." (TP410, response: strongly disagree)
- "Because there are these in my environment and across fields. And when there are orcan winds blowing like right now, they fling around dangerously in the air. I'm not sure that these don't come down one time or even a mast falls down." (TP318, strongly disagree)
- "In the area where I live, there are power lines with masts, so we're used to them and I wouldn't mind." (TP314, response: rather agree)
- "Everyone needs electricity, so there needs to be power lines." (TP422, response: rather agree)
Sporadically (n = 4), the possibility of building high-voltage power lines with masts at the test persons' place of residence was doubted, since they lived in a large city or the inner city:
- "Everything here is densely built-up, where should there be room for high-voltage lines?" (TP258, response: rather disagree).
- "Doesn't happen downtown." (TP506, response: rather agree)
- "The question is actually not relevant for me, because it is not feasible to lay a high-voltage line through a residential area. On the contrary, existing high-voltage lines are being deconstructed because of construction of apartments." (TP296, response: neither agree nor disagree)
- "What nonsense. The space in residential areas does not even begin to allow high-voltage lines to be built there. Are residential buildings to be demolished for this?" (TP325, response: strongly disagree).
For item c, the responses of the subjects who selected the middle category also did not indicate comprehension problems, but rather corresponded to a neutral or ambivalent attitude:
- "I remember that from my youth and didn't think it was dramatic." (TP390, response: neither agree nor disagree)
- "Because I don't know enough about the advantages or disadvantages." (TP340, response: neither agree nor disagree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Acceptance of infrastructural climate protection measures
d. ...a large-scale solar plant was to be built? [...eine großflächige Solaranlage gebaut werden soll?]
e. ...a modern nuclear power plant was to be put into operation? [ ...ein modernes Kernkraftwerk in Betrieb genommen werden soll?]
Item Text:
e. ...a modern nuclear power plant was to be put into operation? [ ...ein modernes Kernkraftwerk in Betrieb genommen werden soll?]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item e, test persons who disagreed with the statement mostly justified their answers with the danger of nuclear accidents or with the fact that nuclear power is an outdated and environmentally harmful technology. In contrast, test persons who agreed with the statement argued that nuclear power is clean energy, that modern nuclear power plants are safe, or that nuclear energy is necessary because the exclusive supply of green electricity is not sufficient:
- "I am afraid of an accident, whether material or manmade." (TP367, response: strongly disagree).
- "Even though nuclear energy is green energy on paper, there is the question of final storage, which is anything but sustainable." (TP407, response: strongly disagree)
- "Nuclear power is a good contribution to becoming climate neutral. Modern nuclear power plants are safe." (TP339, response: rather agree)
- "Nuclear power plants, like them or not, are among the largest suppliers of electricity there are. Shutting them down creates such a big gap, which means you have to import electricity from other countries that have nuclear power plants as well." (TP472, response: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Acceptance of infrastructural climate protection measures