a.Heat waves / drought [Hitzewelle/Dürre]
Item Text:
a.Heat waves / drought [Hitzewelle/Dürre]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item a, test persons who selected lower values mostly justified their answers by saying that heat waves or drought had not yet occurred at their place of residence, or had occurred only rarely, and that they had noticed only little change in the average annual temperatures. Test persons who selected higher values, on the other hand, argued that they had registered a noticeable increase in temperatures in recent years and that their place of residence frequently experiences warm winters and summers with little precipitation:
- "Because it feels like it's always raining here." (TP566, scale value: 0)
- "There is hardly any change here." (TP406, scale value: 2)
- "Because some of the winter here is already way too warm, and there's little to no precipitation in the summer." (TP290, scale value: 6)
- „"In Brandenburg, we've had drought summers for five years, causing ever larger forest fires." (TP370, scale value: 10)
Question Topic:
Affected by climate change
b. Heavy rain/flooding [Starkregen/Überschwemmungen]
Item Text:
b. Heavy rain/flooding [Starkregen/Überschwemmungen]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item b, those respondents who selected lower values explained that there had not been any floods at their place of residence so far, but only heavy rain from time to time, if at all. Test persons who selected higher values, on the other hand, justified this by saying that they had already experienced flooding at their place of residence or had registered an increase in heavy rain events:
- "There has been no heavy rain or flooding in our vicinity so far." (TP254, scale value: 0)
- "Rain has definitely increased. However, there are no rivers or lakes near here." (TP439, scale value: 1)
- "When it does rain, it's much worse than it used to be." (TP273, scale value: 7)
- "Our place was affected by the flood disaster last year. I would rate the likelihood of something like that happening again as high." (TP297, scale value: 10)
Question Topic:
Affected by climate change
c. Storms [Stürme]
Item Text:
c. Storms [Stürme]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item c, lower values were justified by the fact that no storms had occurred at the place of residence so far, while test persons who selected a high value stated that this had already been the case for them and that they would perceive an increase in storms:
- "Our region is not affected." (TP265, scale value: 0)
- "So far, my region has not been affected by strong storms." (TP277, scale value: 2)
- "I have been affected by storm damage myself." (TP534, scale value: 8)
- "Because the storms are getting stronger here." (TP364, scale value: 10)
Question Topic:
Affected by climate change