a. Climate change is not as dangerous as many politicians claim. [Der Klimawandel ist gar nicht so gefährlich wie viele Politiker behaupten.]
b. Climate change is a topic I often talk about with relatives, friends or acquaintances. [Der Klimawandel ist ein Thema, über das ich häufig mit Verwandten, Freunden oder Bekannten rede.]
c. I try to contribute to climate protection with my own actions [Ich versuche, mit meinem eigenen Handeln einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten]
Item Text:
c. I try to contribute to climate protection with my own actions [Ich versuche, mit meinem eigenen Handeln einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
The test persons understood "own actions" in item c to be exclusively individual actions and not collective actions such as demonstrations. Above all, actions in the following four areas were named:
1. Consumption/food: For example, growing own vegetables and fruits, buying climate-neutral products.
- "Grow your own fruits and vegetables in the garden." (TP231)
- "Our household [has] been living vegan for over 10 years. We also avoid plastic whenever pos-sible. We buy a lot at the weekly market to avoid unnecessary packaging."(TP303)
2. Mobility: For example, use environmentally friendly means of transport.
- "We want to buy an electric car." (TP279)
- "I don't have a car anymore, I use public transport and walk a lot." (TP450)
3. Housing: For example, reduce own energy consumption.
- "In my own house, new windows have been installed some of them triple glazed." (TP262)
- "Less energy consumption. Being frugal." (TP460)
4. Waste separation/avoidance: For example, repair products instead of replacing them.
- "Separate waste, save resources." (TP335)
- "Recycle a lot. Don't buy new goods, household appliances until the old ones are broke. Do without unnecessary things." (TP369)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Attitudes towards climate change
d. I am afraid when I think about the consequences of climate change. [Ich habe Angst, wenn ich an die Folgen des Klimawandels denke.]
e.It makes me angry that not enough is being done to stop climate change. [Es macht mich wütend, dass nicht genug getan wird, um den Klimawandel aufzuhalten.]
Item Text:
e.It makes me angry that not enough is being done to stop climate change. [Es macht mich wütend, dass nicht genug getan wird, um den Klimawandel aufzuhalten.]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item e, the respondents' reasons were consistent with their selected answers. Respondents who disagreed with the statement said that enough is already being done to stop climate change. Test persons who agreed with the statement, on the other hand, argued that politics must take even more account of the climate:
- "I am satisfied with what is being done." (TP330, response: rather disagree)
- "So much is being done, but other countries are much bigger, Germany alone can't do it." (TP551, response: strongly disagree)
- "Especially economic aspects instead of environment and climate are politically in focus." (TP252, response: rather agree)
- "People know what is wrong, but it takes too long to implement." (TP270, response: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Attitudes towards climate change
f. To effectively combat climate change, the economic system must undergo a radical change. [Um den Klimawandel wirksam zu bekämpfen, muss das Wirtschaftssystem von Grund auf verändert werden.]
Item Text:
f. To effectively combat climate change, the economic system must undergo a radical change. [Um den Klimawandel wirksam zu bekämpfen, muss das Wirtschaftssystem von Grund auf verändert werden.]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item f, too, the reasons given by the test subjects were consistent with their answers and therefore did not indicate any difficulties in understanding. Those who disagreed with the statement gave the reason that the economic system does not need to be fundamentally changed or that the responsibility lies with the consumer. Those who agreed with the statement justified this by saying that the economic system is geared toward growth:
- "There are sectors of the economy that are already quite climate-neutral today. Not much needs to be changed there in the future." (TP339, response: rather disagree)
- "Demand regulates supply. The change in thinking [is] therefore up to the consumer." (TP358, response: rather disagree)
- "Globalization has led to a certain unreasonableness: Regionality and sustainability suffered badly because economic aspects completely took over." (TP348, response: strongly agree)
- "Less attention needs to be paid to profit and more to whose expense it is made." (TP309, response: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Attitudes towards climate change