a. I am concerned that immigration to Europe will increase because of climate change. [Mir macht Sorgen, dass die Zuwanderung nach Europa wegen des Klimawandels zunehmen wird.]
Item Text:
a. I am concerned that immigration to Europe will increase because of climate change. [Mir macht Sorgen, dass die Zuwanderung nach Europa wegen des Klimawandels zunehmen wird.]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item a, those respondents who disagreed with the statement argued that immigration is good in itself and that it occurs primarily for other reasons (e.g., wars):
- "Immigration happens even without climate change." (TP235, response: rather disagree)
- "I think that migration from other countries has nothing to do with climate change, but rather with war and famine." (TP290, response: strongly disagree)
- "It will enrich our country." (TP391, response: strongly disagree).
Test persons who agreed with the statement justified their answers, among other things, with the concern that increased immigration could lead to overpopulation and make living together more difficult:
- "We cannot be the welfare for the whole world." (TP255, response: strongly agree)
- "More people means less housing or more needs to be built." (TP263, response: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Concerns: Impact of climate change
b. I am concerned that natural disasters will increase because of climate change. [ Mir macht Sorgen, dass Naturkatastrophen wegen des Klimawandels zunehmen werden.]
Item Text:
b. I am concerned that natural disasters will increase because of climate change. [ Mir macht Sorgen, dass Naturkatastrophen wegen des Klimawandels zunehmen werden.]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
Those respondents who disagreed with the statement mainly justified their answers by saying that natural disasters rarely or never occur where they live, or that climate change is not man-made:
- "I live in an area where natural disasters rarely if ever occur." (TP239, response: rather disagree)
- "Because it is in nature that such things occur. In the past and in the future." (TP292, response: rather disagree)
Respondents who agreed with the statement justified their answers, among other things, by saying that they were already experiencing the increase and that a reversal of climate change was no longer possible:
- "We already experience it that natural disasters increase and cause great damage." (TP234, response: strongly agree)
- "You can already see the effects of climate change on nature and weather, flora and fauna. And since we're almost past the point of making amends to nature, that's going to have a further intervening, negative impact on the world." (TP273, response: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Concerns: Impact of climate change
c. I am concerned that the biodiversity of animals and plants will decrease because of climate change. [ Mir macht Sorgen, dass die Artenvielfalt von Tieren und Pflanzen wegen des Klimawandels abnehmen wird.]
Item Text:
c. I am concerned that the biodiversity of animals and plants will decrease because of climate change. [ Mir macht Sorgen, dass die Artenvielfalt von Tieren und Pflanzen wegen des Klimawandels abnehmen wird.]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
For item c, disagreement with the statement was based on the fact that species extinction has always existed and that this is not related to climate change:
- "There will always be some species dying and new ones emerging, so from that point of view it has nothing to do with climate change!" (TP277, response: rather disagree)
- "The world is so old, we humans will not shake anything negatively or positively. Every episode has its justification and nature is extremely resilient." (TP343, response: strongly disagree)
Respondents who agreed with the statement justified this by saying that animals could not adapt to climate change as quickly and that the extinction of species would also have an impact on humans (e.g., nutrition):
- "Because the loss of animals and plant diversity also affects our lives, our nutrition." (TP302, response: strongly agree)
- "Many species will no longer have a habitat under extreme climate change." (TP354, re-sponse: strongly agree)
Question Topic:
Environment/ Climate protection
Concerns: Impact of climate change