Do the test persons have problems understanding and/or answering the question?
All test persons answered question 14 using almost the entire width of the scale. None of the test persons asked spontaneous questions about the question text or showed any other signs of ambiguity.
For both questions, three test persons selected a value to the left of the middle of the scale, indicating that a person would "rather not" or "not at all" be embarrassed (scale values 1 to 3) to admit the respective action publicly. Two test persons chose the mean value (scale value 4), and five test persons chose a value indicating that this was "rather" or "very embarrassing" (scale values 5 to 7).
Eight of the ten test persons used the same side of the response scale when answering the items, i.e. they either chose a value to the left or right of the middle both times or the middle value both times. The two test persons who changed the side of the scale gave the following reasons for doing so:
Do respondents understand that this is about assessing how desirable characteristics are in society, not for them personally?
The construct of the question was social desirability, i.e., the test persons were asked to indicate how desirable these characteristics are in society and thus to provide an assessment of social acceptance. Follow-up questions were used to test whether test persons erroneously stated exclusively their personal judgment regarding the actions.
Six of the ten test persons clearly and consciously distinguished between these two facets when answering the question (TP 01, 02, 03, 05, 08, 10). These test persons all chose a scale value between 2 and 6, i.e. one of the possible gradations next to the scale endpoints.
One test person initially answered the question only in relation to herself but noticed and corrected her mistake directly when answering the probing question (TP 06). When completing the questionnaire, she stated that it was "very embarrassing" (scale value 7) to admit to frequently viewing pornographic content in public. On second read-through, she remarked, “Due to this, I have to say now, I don't think I answered that correctly. I started from myself.” However, this would have changed her answer only slightly: “Due to that, I should actually have taken 6. I'm very embarrassed, but whether everyone feels that way, I don't know. Above all, I don't know how it is with young people, whether it has changed. But I do think that when people are asked about it due to that, they tend not to admit it.”
Two test persons clearly answered the question based exclusively on their personal feelings and did not include the public's view in their answers. Both selected extreme values on the scale:
Finally, one test person distinguished whether most people would be embarrassed to admit viewing pornographic content from whether society accepts it (TP 09). The test person herself would not be embarrassed to admit this. In her estimation, however, most people would still be embarrassed because they would be afraid of the judgment of others. However, the attitude of society has changed in recent decades to become more tolerant. For this reason, the test person chose the value 1 "not embarrassing at all", because "most people would [indeed] be embarrassed, but it is not actually embarrassing".
Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
he/she looks at pornographic content very often? | Nein |
he/she has already stolen something worth less than 50 euros? | Nein |