PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2014 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*


Now it's about how you assess your ability to use and understand numbers.
[Jetzt geht es darum, wie Sie Ihre Fähigkeit einschätzen, Zahlen zu verwenden und zu verstehen.]


I will now read you various everyday mathematical activities. For each of these activities, please tell me how well you can perform them. Think about your experiences from your job and everyday life.
Please give me your answers again using this list.
[Ich lese Ihnen jetzt verschiedene alltagsmathematische Tätigkeiten vor. Bitte sagen Sie mir für jede dieser Tätigkeiten, wie gut Sie diese durchführen können. Denken Sie dabei an Ihre Erfahrungen aus Beruf und Alltag.
Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Antworten wieder anhand dieser Liste.]


(CI: List 1 is already there!) [(TL: Liste 1 liegt bereits vor!)]


I cannot [Kann ich nicht]
I can, but with great difficulties [Kann ich, aber mit großen Schwierigkeiten]
I can, but with certain difficulties [Kann ich, aber mit gewissen Schwierigkeiten]
I can without problems [Kann ich problemlos]
There were no noteworthy comments on the introductory text as a whole from the test persons or the cognitive interviewers. All test persons were able to provide information on each individual item. However, the term "everyday mathematics" is generally uncommon and could be deleted in favor of a simplification of the question.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing, Specific Probing, Comprehension Probing.
Itemtext Aktiv getestet


a. Calculate percentages like e.g. calculating the value added tax.
[Prozente berechnen wie z.B. die Mehrwertsteuer ausrechnen.]


The variance in response behavior is largely due to the use of technical aids. Therefore, it should be specified whether only mental arithmetic or also the use of tools such as paper or calculators is allowed.


b. Calculate simple areas such as the area of a wall to buy tiles.
[Einfache Flächen berechnen wie z.B. die Fläche einer Wand, um Fliesen zu kaufen.]


No changes recommended.


c. Convert units such as milliliters to liters or miles to kilometers.
[Einheiten umrechnen wie z.B. Milliliter in Liter oder Meilen in Kilometer.]


Only two test persons consider both examples when answering. If the conversion between metric and American systems is of central importance, this should be recorded explicitly and above all individually:
"Convert units of different measurement systems, e.g. miles to kilometers."
[„Einheiten unterschiedlicher Messsysteme umrechnen, z. B. Meilen in Kilometer.“]
If this is not desired or irrelevant in terms of the construct, only examples within a system should be used:
"Convert units such as milliliters into liters or meters into kilometers"
[„Einheiten umrechnen wie z.B. Milliliter in Liter oder Meter in Kilometer.“]


d. Perform calculations that require several steps or arithmetic operations, such as calculating the cheapest cell phone contract for specific needs.
[Berechnungen durchführen, die mehrere Schritte oder Rechenoperationen erfordern, wie z.B. den günstigsten Handyvertrag für bestimmte Bedürfnisse ausrechnen.]


It is not clear, what is meant by the abstract notion "arithmetic operations". To make clear, what shall be considered at this item, either the formulation "arithmetic operations like plus, minus, multiply or divided" or the term "basic arithmetic operations" could be used.
In addition, the example with the cheapest cell phone contract does not work, since mainly a comparison of monthly costs for flat rates is considered. In contrast to this probably rather a multi-level computation procedure (basic and consumption costs, possible bonus payments, etc.) might find consideration with the determination of the most favorable current offerer:
"Perform calculations that require multiple steps or arithmetic operations such as addition, substraction, multiplication or division, such as calculating the cheapest electricity provider for specific needs".
[„Berechnungen durchführen, die mehrere Schritte oder Rechenoperationen wie Plus, Minus, Mal oder Geteilt erfordern, wie z.B. den günstigsten Stromanbieter für bestimmte Bedürfnisse ausrechnen.“]


e. Understanding and interpreting statistical information or data, such as a graph showing the development of housing prices in different districts.
[Statistische Angaben oder Daten verstehen und interpretieren wie z.B. eine Abbildung mit der Entwicklung von Wohnungspreisen in verschiedenen Stadtteilen.]


No changes recommended


f. Summarize or display information and data from different sources in tables or graphics.
[Informationen und Daten aus unterschiedlichen Quellen in Tabellen oder Grafiken übersichtlich zusammenfassen oder darstellen.]


The item contains several stimuli and is complexly formulated. Many test persons have no concrete idea what it is all about. Therefore the formulation should be simplified, e.g. like this:
"Create your own tables or graphics to summarize or illustrate information from different sources"
[„Eigene Tabellen oder Grafiken erstellen, um Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen zusammenzufassen oder zu veranschaulichen“]