PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Background Questionnaire (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*

Question Text:

The following statement now refers to German culture. To what extent do you agree to the following statement or not to?
[Folgende Aussage bezieht sich nun auf die deutsche Kultur. Inwieweit stimmen Sie folgender Aussage zu oder nicht zu?]


INT: Only if question 1 or question 2 was answered with "no", i.e. the TP is a first or second generation migrant. [INT: Nur wenn Frage 1 oder Frage 2 mit „Nein“ beantwortet wurde, die TP also Migrant erster oder zweiter Generation ist.]

Answer Categories:

Do not agree at all [Stimme überhaupt nicht zu]
Rather do not agree [Stimme eher nicht zu]
Partly agree [Teils, teils]
Rather agree [Stimme eher zu]
Fully agree [Stimme voll und ganz zu]

Cognitive Techniques:

Comprehension Probing, Category Selection Probing, Specific Probing
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

I feel closely connected to German culture.
[Ich fühle mich der deutschen Kultur eng verbunden.]


Question: No changes recommended.
Answer options: The answer options should be formulated analogously to question 3.
Again, on the whole, test persons have no difficulty with the answer option "partly agree".
However, since it is the same unipolar scale as in question 3, the use of the middle category "agree moderately" is also an alternative for this question.