RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)


The following questions are about your medical care in Germany. If you have a health problem in Germany, you will usually first visit a general practitioner. If you have a doctor, to whom you always go first with your problems and who organizes all further examinations for you, this is your primary care physician.
Sometimes a general practitioner will refer you further to a specialist who has particular expertise in a particular medical field.
[In den folgenden Fragen geht es um Ihre medizinische Versorgung in Deutschland. Wenn man in Deutschland ein gesundheitliches Problem hat, besucht man normalerweise zuerst einen Allgemeinmediziner. Wenn Sie einen Arzt haben, zu dem Sie immer als erstes mir Ihren Problemen gehen und der alle weiteren Untersuchungen für Sie organisiert, ist dies Ihr Hausarzt.
Manchmal überweist Sie ein Allgemeinmediziner weiter an einen Facharzt, der besondere Expertise in einem bestimmten medizinischen Bereich hat.]


When did you visit one of the following doctors for advice, examination or treatment the last time?
[Wann waren Sie zuletzt bei einem der folgenden Ärzte, um sich selbst beraten, untersuchen oder behandeln zu lassen?]


Less than 12 months ago [Vor weniger als 12 Monaten]
12 months or more ago [Vor 12 Monaten oder länger]
Don't know [Weiß ich nicht]
Never [Nie]
In this question it should be examined above all whether the introduction is understandable and whether the doctor's name is understood.


Test persons SER01 and SER02 point out that the term "visit…for advice" in the question in the Serbian questionnaire was translated as "asking for advice" and that both would therefore have thought first of all whether they had sought psychological advice from a psychologist. Only through the items does the relevance of the question become clear. Otherwise the introduction to the question is understandable.

Test person SER01 is unfamiliar with several doctor's names and asks the interpreter for explanations (primary care physician, specialist, orthodontist). The term "orthodontist" is also unknown to test subject SER02.


For the test persons AR01 and AR02 the introduction is understandable. They indicate that this is about the health care system in Germany. With the exception of "orthodontist", test person AR01 knows all the terms and can explain the differences between the doctors. Test person AR02 does not know the term "primary care physician", but equates it with general practitioner.


Test subjects FAR01 and FAR02 correctly reproduce the introduction and find it understandable. They also know all the doctor's names and find it easy to answer the questions. Regarding the term "general practitioner", subject FAR01 notes that in Farsi one does not speak of a primary care physician but of a family doctor: "In Afghanistan, for example, a family doctor is someone to whom the whole family al-ways goes. The doctor knows all the family's problems and pre-existing conditions. He is therefore a specialist for this family." (FAR01). Test subject FAR02 and an interpreter also point out that the term "family doctor" has been translated incorrectly.

The interpreters in these interviews point out that the questionnaire on Farsi makes no reference to the "following doctors". Only the last medical treatment/examination is mentioned. One interpreter also notes that orthodontist was translated as "jaw and tooth surgeon".


Test person RUS01 cannot answer item c): "I know what it is, but I haven't used it." (RUS01). She has been to the dentist in her home country, but not yet in Germany. Therefore, she does not find any answer category appropriate and it is unclear to her whether the question refers only to Germany or also to her home country. However, she is aware of all the doctor's names.

Test person RUS02 can correctly repeat the introduction and all doctor's names are known to her.


ENG01 has no difficulty in understanding the introduction. She also knows all the terms in the question and had no difficulty in answering it. The interviewer notes that the translation of "specialist" is not ideal (medical or surgical specialist).

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

Paraphrasing, Category Selection Probing, Specific Probing.
Itemtext Aktiv getestet
a) General practitioner/primary care physician
[Allgemeinmediziner/ Hausarzt]
b) Specialist
c) Dentist or Orthodontist
[Zahnarzt oder Kieferorthopäde]
d) Psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist
[Psychologe, Psychotherapeut oder Psychiater]