European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing & Cognitive Interviews


English version:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your job?

German version:
In welchem Maß stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Arbeit zu oder nicht zu?


English version:
Strongly agree
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
Don't know

German version:
Stimme voll und ganz zu
Stimme eher zu
Stimme weder zu noch nicht zu
Stimme eher nicht zu
Stimme überhaupt nicht zu
Trifft nicht zu
Weiß nicht
Online Probing:
In question 21a, Item B and Item G were probed to get a better understanding of how respondents interpret the terms “good prospects” and “career advancements” (Item B); and to examine the reasons why respondents chose their respective answers to Item G.

Cognitive Interviews:
Items G and H were tested. German respondents showed a more confident answering behaviour than Polish respondents. They were less likely to indicate that they might lose their job and more likely to believe they could easily find a comparable one if they did.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

Specific Probing. (OP)
Category Selection Probing, General/Elaborative Probing. (CI)
Itemtext Aktiv getestet
English version:

A. Considering all my efforts and achievements in my job, I feel I get paid appropriately

German version:

A. In Anbetracht meines Engagements und meiner Leistungen habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich angemessen entlohnt werde


English version:
B. My job offers good prospects for career advancement

German version.
B. Meine Arbeit bietet gute Karrierechancen


No changes recommended.
English version:

C. I receive the recognition I deserve for my work

German version:

C. Ich erhalte die Anerkennung, die ich für meine Arbeit verdiene
English version:

D. I generally get on well with my work colleagues

German version:

Ich verstehe mich im Allgemeinen gut mit meinen Arbeitskollegen
English version:

E. The organisation I work for motivates me to give my best job performance

German version:

E. Die Organisation, für die ich arbeite, motiviert mich, meine beste Arbeitsleistung zu erbringen


English version:

G. I might lose my job in the next 6 months

German version:

G. Ich könnte meinen Job in den nächsten 6 Monaten verlieren


Self-employed respondents find a homogenous understanding of the item. If this is in the intention of the question, no changes are necessary. However, it could be considered re-wording the question to fit more precisely to a self-employed situation, i.e. “I might run out of business in the next six months”


English version:

H. If I were to lose or quit my current job, it would be easy for me to find a job of similar salary.

German version:

H. Wenn ich meinen jetzigen Job verlieren oder kündigen würde, wäre es für mich einfach, einen Job mit ähnlichem Gehalt zu finden.


No changes recommended.