Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
English version: A. Considering all my efforts and achievements in my job, I feel I get paid appropriately A. In Anbetracht meines Engagements und meiner Leistungen habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich angemessen entlohnt werde |
Nein |
English version:
Ja |
English version: C. I receive the recognition I deserve for my work C. Ich erhalte die Anerkennung, die ich für meine Arbeit verdiene |
Nein |
English version: D. I generally get on well with my work colleagues Ich verstehe mich im Allgemeinen gut mit meinen Arbeitskollegen |
Nein |
English version: E. The organisation I work for motivates me to give my best job performance E. Die Organisation, für die ich arbeite, motiviert mich, meine beste Arbeitsleistung zu erbringen |
Nein |
G. Ich könnte meinen Job in den nächsten 6 Monaten verlierenItemtext:
English version:
G. I might lose my job in the next 6 months G. Ich könnte meinen Job in den nächsten 6 Monaten verlieren Empfehlungen:
Self-employed respondents find a homogenous understanding of the item. If this is in the intention of the question, no changes are necessary. However, it could be considered re-wording the question to fit more precisely to a self-employed situation, i.e. “I might run out of business in the next six months”
Befund zum Item:Online Probing:
One respondent explains that she will not lose her job because it is a family business in which she will not be dismissed. In the UK, 5 respondents chose “does not apply” to answer Item G. The reasons given are the same as with German respondents: they cannot lose their jobs or have a secure employment.
Next, we analysed those self-employed who gave a substantive response option instead of selecting “does not apply”. It is striking that the response distributions in Germany and the UK are relatively similar, while the Polish respondents more often “agree” with the statement in Item G.
Interestingly, the status of a freelancer is interpreted very differently, which is also reflected in the answers referring to Item G. While respondents in all three countries state that they can lose their job because this can always happen as a freelancer, respondents in Poland and Germany also mention this as a reason for disagreeing with the statement. This argumentation can be traced back to the fact that they consider it unlikely, but that freelancers always face a certain risk because their work is bound to particular projects.
One respondent chooses the middle category, because she while she doesn’t assume she will lose the job, may for other reasons no longer be able to carry it out:
Only one respondent gives an answer which is inconsistent to his actual opinion, stating that he might lose his job although circumstances give him no reason to believe this:
Self-employed respondents emphasize that there isn’t a job to lose as such. Nevertheless, they easily find an answer and consistently apply the question to mean that their business goes bankrupt, they give up their business, or giving up working in general.
“As I said, I’m self-employed. It is my choice whether or not I stop working. I can’t lose my job in the meaning that someone fires me” (DE08)“For that, I would have to lose my clients. And for that again to happen, something would have to happen on the market for my clients to not wish to work with me anymore. That hasn’t happened in 25 years, so I’m not worried about it” (DE09)“I have my own practice. It’s really unlikely that we’ll go out of business” (DE10)“A carpenter’s job involves use of machines and this means high risk of injuries. If I have an accident at work, I may lose it, it means more the possibility of doing it than the job itself. […] Poor market situations, or an unreliable client who does not pay on time”v (PL01, “agree”)“I have a lot of work at present, many people call, so I don‘t think it will be gone in half a year“ (PL07, “tend to disagree”) A German respondent in multi-activity said that she has two terminated contracts and referred this question to the one that runs shorter (DE16), again demonstrating that respondents don’t consistently apply the main paid job to all questions, but use the job that best fits the question in their view. A Polish respondent in multi-activity (PL03) refers this question to his main paid job only, which has a permanent contract. We therefore recommend reminding respondents which job to refer the questions to. Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Beurteilungen & Bewertungen
Konstrukt:Job prospects
Ja |
H. Wenn ich meinen jetzigen Job verlieren oder kündigen würde, wäre es für mich einfach, einen Job mit ähnlichem Gehalt zu finden.Itemtext:
English version:
H. If I were to lose or quit my current job, it would be easy for me to find a job of similar salary. H. Wenn ich meinen jetzigen Job verlieren oder kündigen würde, wäre es für mich einfach, einen Job mit ähnlichem Gehalt zu finden. Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:Cognitive Interviews:
Self-employed respondents have higher cognitive burden establishing situations that relate to the question, but they all find coherent answers.
A doctor imagines starting a new practice as self-employed or joining a practice as an employed doctor:
Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Beurteilungen & Bewertungen
Konstrukt:Job prospects
Ja |