Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*


English version:
In the last 12 months, did the usage of computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment at work increase or reduce any of the following job characteristics, if any?

German version:
Haben sich in den letzten 12 Monaten bei der Arbeit durch die Nutzung von Computern, Laptops, Smartphones und anderer computergesteuerter Ausstattung die folgenden Stellenmerkmale erhöht oder verringert, wenn überhaupt?


English version: Please tick all that apply

German version: Bitte kreuzen Sie alle relevanten Punkte an


English version:
No relevant change

German version:
Keine relevante Veränderung
Probe 11 indirectly assessed whether respondents understand the question wording of question 10. Since the number of probes that can be asked in an online-pretest is limited, it is impossible to assess all items of this item battery. Instead, the last item of this item battery was selected to test whether respondents understand question 10 correctly. If responses to Probe 11 are meaningful, it is possible to conclude that the overall question was sufficiently understood.

Question 10 asked respondents whether the usage of computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment at work increased or reduced a number of job characteristic in the last 12 months. The item battery consisted of eight items that covered the job characteristics of spending time on repetitive and routine tasks, opportunities to be creative, freedom and independence in organising own tasks, monitoring of own performance at work, the need to learn new things, the collaboration and cooperation with colleagues or business partners, and the amount of irregular working hours (night, weekend, shift work). Respondents could choose between the answer categories “Increase, “Decrease,” and “No relevant change.” All categories were exclusive categories and, therefore, percentages add up to 100 percent.

Only respondents that selected the response “Yes” at 3 and “Yes” at either Q3a or Q3b (question Q3 was not tested in this pretest, for its phrasing and frequency distribution please refer to the attached PDF document) received the question 10. As a consequence, 54 British respondents and 49 German respondents could provide an answer to question 10. As a consequence, 42 respondents did not receive this question (21 British respondents and 21 German respondents).

For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

Category Selection Probing.
Itemtext Aktiv getestet
English version:

a) The time spent on repetitive and routine tasks

German version:

a) Die Zeit, die mit Wiederholungs- und Routineaufgaben verbracht wird
English version:

b) My work productivity

German version:

b) Meine Arbeitsproduktivität
English version:

c) The opportunities to be creative

German version:

c) Meine Möglichkeit, kreativ zu sein
English version:

d) The freedom and independence in organising my tasks

German version:

d) Die Freiheit und Selbstständigkeit bei der Organisation meiner Aufgaben
English version:

f) The monitoring of my performance at work

German version:

f) Die Überwachung meiner Arbeitsleistung
English version:

g) The need to learn new things

German version:

g) Die Notwendigkeit, neue Dinge zu lernen
English version:

h) The collaboration and cooperation with colleagues or business partners

German version:

h) Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen oder Geschäftspartnern


English version:

i) The amount of irregular working hours (night, weekend, shift work)

German version:

i) Die Höhe der unregelmäßigen Arbeitszeiten (Nacht-/ Wochenend-/ Schichtarbeit)


No changes recommended.