Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*


English version:
How often have the following activities been part of your main paid job, in the last 12 months?

German version:
Wie oft waren die folgenden Internet-Aktivitäten in den letzten 12 Monaten Teil Ihrer bezahlten Hauptbeschäftigung?


English version: Please tick all that apply

German version: Bitte kreuzen Sie alle zutreffenden Antwortmöglichkeiten an.
Question 5 inquired how often a variety of activities have been part of the respondents’ main paid job in the last 12 months. 26 respondents (14 English speaking respondents and 12 German speaking respondents) did not receive question 5 due to the filter in question 3. That is, only respondents that selected “yes” at the question whether they use computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment at work, received question 5.

In total, this item battery asked for 11 different activities. For each question of this item battery, the respondents had to choose between the answer categories “Daily,” “Less than daily,” and “Never.” All categories were exclusive categories and, therefore, percentages add up to 100 percent. In order to avoid respondents’ frustration due to too many probes in this web survey, the decision was made to only probe two items instead of probing all 11 items of this battery. One of the probes (Probe 6) asked the respondents whether they perform any further digital activities that were not mentioned in the previous question.

The intention of Probe 6 was to check whether respondents thought that certain tasks are not covered by the items a) to k) of question 5 and to assess whether additional items need to be added to this item battery. Probe 6 asked the respondents whether they perform any further digital activities that were not mentioned in the previous question. In order to avoid confusing the respondents and in order to keep the response burden as low as possible to prevent respondents’ frustration, only respondents that chose the answer category “never” at item 5e), received Probe 6. Therefore, only participants that did not receive Probe 5 responded to Probe 6. In total, 18 British respondents and 17 German respondents provided an answer to Probe 6.

Most respondents from both countries indicated that they could not think of any further digital activities that were missing in the previous question (British respondents: 83.33 percent, German respondents: 58.82 percent). However, German respondents also mentioned the digital activity of creating lists and documents (1 respondent) and talking with customers online (1 respondent). In contrast, British respondents also referred to emailing tenants and suppliers (1 respondent), gaming (1 respondent), and using the internet as a source of music (1 respondent).

For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing.
Itemtext Aktiv getestet
English version:

a) Exchange emails

German version:

a) Senden/ Empfangen von E-Mails
English version:

b) Use social media to work

German version:

b) Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke zu beruflichen Zwecken
English version:

c) Browse the internet to get work-related information

German version:

c) Suche nach arbeitsbezogenen Informationen im Internet
English version:

d) Conduct online transactions (e.g. commercial, financial, transport, etc.)

German version:

d) Durchführung von Online-Transaktionen (z.B. Einkauf/ Handel, Finanzen, Transport, usw.)


English version:

e) Enter data into business software or databases (e.g. for customer relations management)

German version:

e) Eingabe von Daten in Unternehmens-Software oder Datenbanken (z.B. für Kundenmanagement)


No changes recommended.
English version:

f) Create or edit electronic documents

German version:

f) Erstellen oder Bearbeiten elektronischer Dokumente
English version:

g) Use specialised software for design or simulation (e.g. CAD)

German version:

g) Nutzung spezieller Software für die Gestaltung und Simulation (z.B. CAD)
English version:

h) Use specialised software to analyse data (e.g. technical, financial, etc.)

German version:

h) Nutzung spezieller Software für Datenanalysen (z.B. technische, finanzielle Daten, usw.)
English version:

i) Use computerised equipment to control, operate or repair machines (e.g. car electronics, CNC, etc.)

German version:

i) Verwendung von computergesteuerter Ausstattung zur Kontrolle, Bedienung oder Reparatur von Maschinen (z.B. Kfz-Elektronik, CNC, usw.)
English version:

j) Design or maintain computer networks, servers, websites, security functionalities

German version:

j) Entwurf oder Wartung von Computer-Netzwerken, Servern, Webseiten, Sicherheitsfunktionen
English version:

k) Programming and software development

German version:

k) Programmierung und Software-Entwicklung