European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing & Cognitive Interviews

Question Text:

English version:
For each of the following statements, please select the response which best describes your work situation....

German version:
Bitte wählen Sie für jede der folgenden Aussagen die Antwort aus, die Ihre Arbeitssituation am besten beschreibt.

Answer Categories:

English version:
Most of the time
Don't know
Not applicable

German version:
Weiß nicht
Trifft nicht zu
Online Probing:
In general, it is striking how many respondents select the “not applicable” answer category if it is explicitly shown. The design of the online pretest differs from the actual face-to-face survey in this respect. This was done intentionally to analyse the adequacy of the items for different sub-populations (i.e. self-employed versus employed, but also across industries). For several items, the results indicate that respondents have difficulty applying the items to their work situation. Though not as strikingly, this also applies to questions 50 and 89, and possibly also other questions that were not part of the online pretest. On basis of the current data, it is unclear how respondents would answer these questions if the “not applicable” category was not explicitly shown, but the items do not apply to them. This is an aspect worth examining in the upcoming face-to-face cognitive pretest.
The following item-level analyses provide more detailed explanations of how participants came to their response choices.
In question 61, Item A, Item C, Item D, Item E, and Item G were probed to get a better understanding of what respondents are thinking of when answering these items.

Cognitive Interviews:
In the actual EWCS, question 61 is a rather long battery ranging from items A to O. In the pretest, the first five items were asked, and of these two (items A and C) were probed. The aims of the probes were to examine the understanding and range of the work community, so who is considered a colleague (item A), as well as the understanding of the terms ‘being consulted’ and ‘work objectives’ (item C). The emphasis lay on possible different interpretation between employed and self-employed respondents and typical versus atypical working situations.
Across both countries, about half of the respondents (nine in Germany, eight in Poland) spontaneously commented on at least one of the items, indicating the necessity to provide additional clarification to their survey responses.

Cognitive Techniques:

Specific Probing. (OP)
General/Elaborative Probing, Specific Probing, Comprehension Probing. (CI)
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

English version:

A. Your colleagues help and support you

German version:

A. Ihre Kollegen helfen Ihnen und unterstützen Sie


This item should only be shown to respondents with colleagues.
Assuming that “help and support” can be understood in both a task-related way and in terms of social support, no change of wording is recommended.
English version:

B. Your manager helps and supports you (Employees only)

German version:

B. Ihr Vorgesetzter/Chef hilft Ihnen und unterstützt Sie (Nur Angestellte)

Item Text:

English version:

C. You are consulted before objectives are set for your work

German version:

C. Sie werden gefragt, bevor Ziele für Ihre Arbeit festgelegt werden


In the current wording, this item should only be shown to employees.
However, there are also other possibilities of revising this item. Even em-ployed respondents sometimes have difficulties answering this item, as they don’t feel that they have objectives that they are measured by. Therefore, another solution could be asking respondents whether they have work objectives, and what type (daily business, annual development), and consequently, who sets them (themselves, direct superior, predetermined by business goals). Such a question could potentially also be asked to self-employed respondents.

Item Text:

English version:

D. You are involved in improving the work organisation or work processes of your department or organisation

German version:

D. Sie sind an der Verbesserung der Arbeitsorganisation oder der Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Abteilung oder Firma/ Organisation beteiligt


This item should only be shown to employees.

Item Text:

English version:

E. You have a say in the choice of your work colleagues

German version:

E. Sie haben ein Mitspracherecht bei der Auswahl der Arbeitskollegen, mit denen Sie zusammenarbeiten


This item should only be shown to respondents with colleagues.
English version:

F. You can take a break when you wish

German version:

F. Sie können eine Pause machen, wenn Sie möchten

Item Text:

English version:

G. You have enough time to get the job done

German version:

Sie haben genug Zeit, um die Arbeit zu erledigen


No changes recommended.