European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing

Question Text:

English version:
On the whole, is your pace of work dependent on…

German version:
Insgesamt gesehen, ist Ihr Arbeitstempo abhängig ...


Specific Probing.

Answer Categories:

English version:
Not applicable

German version:
Trifft nicht zu
In question 50, only Item C was probed to understand what sorts of production targets or performance targets respondents were thinking of when answering this item.
In the UK, self-employed and employees answer this question differently. About half of all employees agree that the pace of their work depends on numerical production or performance targets, while one third says this is not the case and 15% feel this item does not apply to them. In contrast, among the self-employed in the UK, only 13% answer this question with yes, while half of the respondents answer no, and a third feels the item does not apply.
In Germany and Poland, however, a stable 15-20% of all respondents feel that this statement does not apply to them, across both employees and self-employed.

Cognitive Techniques:

Specific Probing.
Item Text Actively tested
English version:

A. the work done by colleagues

German version:

A. von der Arbeit der Kollegen?
English version:

B. direct demands from people such as customers, passengers, pupils, patients, etc.

German version:

B. von direkten Anforderungen von Personen wie z. B. Kunden, Fahrgästen, Schülern/Studenten, Patienten usw.?

Item Text:

English version:

C. numerical production targets or performance targets?

German version:

C. von vorgegebenen Produktions- oder Leistungszielen


The term “numerical production targets or performance targets” is not translated consistently across the tested languages. Therefore, differences in responses may be due to differences in translation. Professional translators should look into this in detail. Then, regardless of translation, a clear definition of the term should be given to respondents to help respondents decide whether or not the statement applies to them. Currently, clear cases such as sales-related targets seem to be answered correctly by most respondents. Deadlines seem to be less clear already, and other targets are sorted according to the understanding of the individual respondents.

Item Text:

English version:

D. automatic speed of a machine or movement of a product?

German version:

D. von der automatischen Geschwindigkeit einer Maschine oder einer Transporteinrichtung?


The translation of item D should also be verified by professional translators.
English version:

E. the direct control of your boss?

German version:

E. von der direkten Kontrolle Ihres Vorgesetzten?