FGZ Cohesion Panel: Wave 2 – Questions on climate change, antisemitism, and gender equality (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings.


There is currently a lot of discussion about gender equality. What do you think about the following statements?
[Es wird derzeit viel über die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter gesprochen. Wie stehen Sie zu den folgenden Aussagen?]


Strongly disagree [Stimme überhaupt nicht zu]
Rather disagree [Stimme eher nicht zu]
Neither agree nor disagree [Teils-teils]
Rather agree [Stimme eher zu]
Strongly agree [Stimme voll und ganz zu]

All six items of question 9 were answered by the 240 respondents, using the full range of the response scale for all items. However, with the exception of item a and item f, the frequency distributions of the items are left or right skewed, that is, the (sometimes large) majority of respondents agreed or disagreed with the respective statements. To determine the internal consistency of the 6-item scale, Cronbach's alpha was calculated. This internal consistency was acceptable (cf. George & Mallery, 2002, p. 231), with Cronbach's alpha = 0.70.

The aim of the pretest was to investigate whether the individual statements were comprehensible to the test persons. The corresponding cognitive probes (N1_F9 and N2_F9, see Appendix) were asked of the 124 subjects who were (randomly) assigned to Group 1.

Only one of the 124 respondents indicated that one item (item e) was unclearly worded. However, the response when asked what was unclear about it did not indicate that the respondent had trouble answering it, but rather that she wanted to explain her answer to this item in more detail: "I want there to be simply one toilet for all genders. Cubicle closed and done!" (TP248, response: strongly disagree).

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

Specific Probing
Itemtext Aktiv getestet
a. There should be a binding quota for women in management positions in business.
[Es sollte eine verbindliche Quote für Frauen in Führungspositionen der Wirtschaft geben. ]
b. The state should do much more to ensure that women and men are paid equally.
[Der Staat sollte sich viel stärker als bisher dafür einsetzen, dass Frauen und Männer gleich bezahlt werden.]
c. Writing and speaking in gender-equitable language, for example “Bürger*innen”, are useful measures to ensure more equality.
[Schreib- und Redeweisen der gendergerechten Sprache, zum Beispiel „Bürger*innen“, sind sinnvolle Maßnahmen, um für mehr Gleichberechtigung zu sorgen.]
d. The state should allow lesbian and gay couples to adopt children.
[ Der Staat sollte es lesbischen und schwulen Paaren erlauben, Kinder zu adoptieren.]
e. The state should take care of more important things than toilets for the third sex (people who are neither a man nor woman).
[Der Staat sollte sich um Wichtigeres kümmern als um Toiletten für das dritte Geschlecht (Personen, die weder Mann noch Frau sind).]
f. I think it is right that persons can have their third gender registered on their identity card.
[Ich finde es richtig, dass Personen sich das dritte Geschlecht in den Personalausweis eintragen lassen können.]