RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)


We would like to know more about your experience with health care in Germany. Please remember your last visit to a doctor or other medical provider. Please rate at this last visit...
[Wir möchten gerne mehr über Ihre Erfahrung mit der Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland wissen. Bitte denken Sie an Ihren letzten Besuch bei einem Arzt oder einem anderen medizinischen Versorger. Bitte bewerten Sie bei diesem letzten Besuch…]


Very good [Sehr gut]
Good [Gut]
Moderate [Mäßig]
Bad [Schlecht]
Very bad [Sehr schlecht]
Questions 17d and 17f were systematically tested, while only spontaneous reactions - if any - of the test persons are available for the other questions.

Findings on the question as a whole:


Test person SER01 points out that she actually cannot answer the entire battery of questions, as she has not visited a doctor in Germany so far. Especially questions 17d, 17e and 17f therefore remain unanswered.


Test person RUS02 and the interpreter in this interview point out that the first sentence of the introduction in the Russian questionnaire was translated incorrectly: "[...] your experience in health care cooperation...".

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing, Specific Probing
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a) …the waiting time for your turn?
[die Wartezeit, bis Sie an der Reihe waren?]


Due to the spontaneous remark in the interview, we recommend a slight rewording: ... the waiting time in the doctor’s office until it was your turn? [… die Wartezeit in der Praxis, bis Sie an der Reihe waren?]
b) …your experiences in how far you were received respectfully and spoken to respectfully?
[… Ihre Erfahrungen, inwiefern Sie respektvoll empfangen und mit Ihnen respektvoll gesprochen wurde?]


c) …your experiences in how far were things explained to you in an understandable way by the doctors / staff?
[…Ihre Erfahrungen, inwiefern Ihnen von den Ärzten / dem Personal Dinge verständlich erklärt wurden?]


In question 17c it is not clear whether this is a question of explaining the medical facts or of difficulties in understanding due to (lack of) language skills.


d) …your experiences in how far you were involved in decisions concerning your treatment?
[… Ihre Erfahrungen, inwiefern Sie in Entscheidungen, die Ihre Behandlung betrafen, miteinbezogen wurden?]


In question 17d, two respondents (in Farsi and Russian) have substantive difficulties with the question, as it is not clear to them to what extent they should be "involved" as patients. Both persons leave the question unanswered. We recommend rephrasing this question as follows: To what extent were you able to participate in deciding on your treatment? [Inwieweit Sie über Ihre Behandlung mitentscheiden konnten?]
e) ...your experience in how far was it ensured that you could speak confidentially with the person treating you?
[… Ihre Erfahrungen, inwieweit dort sichergestellt wurde, dass Sie mit der Sie behandelnden Person vertraulich sprechen konnten?]


f) …your possibilities to choose the person treating you yourself?
[…Ihre Möglichkeiten, sich die Sie behandelnde Person selbst aussuchen zu können?]


According to the two interviews, which were conducted in Russian, the principle of free choice of doctor is not known in Russia, so the interpreter first had to explain the intention of the question in more detail.
Irrespective of whether this is the case or whether respondents are only unaware that they are free to choose their doctor in Germany, the question arises if this option is appropriate for the context of a particular visit to be evaluated.