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Sich für 10 Minuten auf etwas zu konzentrieren?Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
[See recommendations for total question 3]
Befund zum Item:Serbian
In test person SER01, question 3a shows major problems with understanding the question. The interpreter has to explain repeatedly what the question is about and the test person corrects her answer from "none" to "low": "Oh, I wonder if I can concentrate on something for 10 minutes?” Arabic Test person AR02 also has problems understanding the question. For her it is not clear what the word "concentrate" refers to, i.e. whether it refers to learning or sports, for example. In the end, AR02's answer refers to the general ability to concentrate, which is in the sense of the question designer. Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Konstrukt:Difficulties due to health problems
Ja |
Nein |
Ihren gesamten Körper zu waschen?Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
[See recommendations for total question 3]
Befund zum Item:Arabic
Test person AR01 asks how the item is to be understood, whether "showering" is meant. The formulation in the Arabic translation of the questionnaire of "to wash your entire body" is a little unusual. According to the test person it would be simpler and clearer to talk about bathing or showering. In addition, an article (the) was missing in Arabic, so that the formulation was not quite grammatically correct. Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Konstrukt:Difficulties due to health problems
Ja |
Nein |
Im Umgang mit Personen, die Sie nicht kennen?Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
[See recommendations for total question 3]
Befund zum Item:This question reveals problems of understanding regarding the intention of the question.
Serbian In an interview with test person SER01, the interpreter must first explain the question: "That he has problems with people he doesn't know. Is that the question?" . Test person SER01 interprets the question in the way that she gets on well with people, not that she has problems with people she does not know: "What can I tick? I get along well with people." (SER01) . After asking more precisely which people the test person was thinking of, she answers as follows: "These are people I didn't know, we're not friends but we didn't have a fight either, nothing bad happened. [...] We didn't know each other, afterwards we were friends, but then we had a fight, I say it was nothing." Arabic The two interviews with the Arabic translation of the questionnaire also reveal ambiguities with regard to the intention of the question. Test person AR01 misunderstands the intention of the question. She interprets the question as to how far dealing with people she does not know leads to psychological problems and not how far psychological (or other health problems) make dealing with such people more difficult. In answering the question, test person AR01 thinks of asylum seekers in a refugee accommodation who do not speak German or English (but only their mother tongue) and who therefore often could not communicate. This leads to psychological stress. The test person himself is not affected by this, as he speaks a little German. Their answer ("none") is therefore still "correct" in this case, even if she misunderstands the question. Test person AR02 does not refer to health problems, but to characteristics of the 'foreign', such as religion or skin colour. The test person says that she has no difficulties in dealing with people she does not know. English Test person ENG01 claims to have "strong" problems in dealing with unknown persons due to the traumatic experiences in her home country (murder, torture). The test person justifies her answer by saying that she has the feeling that many people do not understand her or cannot understand her fate. Therefore she likes to be alone. The test person suffers from psychological problems due to traumatic experiences in her home country. Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Konstrukt:Difficulties due to health problems
Ja |
Eine Freundschaft aufrechtzuerhalten?Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
[See recommendations for total question 3]
Befund zum Item:Serbian
In the interview with test person SER01 there are no reportable anomalies in this question. The test person has no problems maintaining a friendship; disputes and small problems are part of it in her opinion. Arabic Test person AR01 spontaneously notes that she is unaware of the connection between health problems and the maintenance of friendships. The test person asks whether she should interpret the item in meaning that the difficulty in maintaining friendships leads to psychological problems. The intention of the item is not clear to the test person and she interprets the item - like item 3e - as to whether the difficulty in maintaining friendships (e.g. due to lack of time) leads to health problems. Test person AR02, as in question 3e, does not refer to health problems either. She justifies the choice of the answer category "low" with the fact that she neither belongs to Sunnis nor to Shiites, but since she mostly has to do with Sunnis or Shiites, she notices that she does not harmonize well with them. The interviewers also note that the time frame of 4 weeks for a friendship is somewhat short. English Test person ENG01 ticks the answer "strong" and justified this by saying that she currently has no friends in the refugee camp. The test person further states that she does not like to let other people - again due to her history - get close to her. Therefore it is difficult to build up or maintain friendships. Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Konstrukt:Difficulties due to health problems
Ja |
Bei der Bewältigung Ihres Arbeits-/Schulalltags?Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
[See recommendations for total question 3]
Befund zum Item:The main aim of this question was to examine how respondents deal with this question when they do not have a work/school routine and which difficulty they choose.
Serbian Test person SER01 goes to work and chooses the answer "low": "I go home from work, at home I sleep, then back to work." (SER01). Arabic Test person AR01 also has both a work and a school routine. The test person works in the morning and attends evening classes 3 times a week. There are no problems with understanding the question.Test person AR02 chooses the answer category "low". Again in the question, she does not refer to health problems, but feels generally uncomfortable working in an office. The test person states that she prefers to work in the garden instead, as she is not familiar with office routine. English Test person ENG01 is the only person stating that she currently has no work. She chooses the answer category "strong" difficulties. The test person has completed a Bachelor’s degree in her home country, but has nothing to do in the refugee camp. Due to the existing psychological problems, she also does not manage to motivate herself to read something and to keep herself busy or to concentrate on something for a longer period of time. This frustrates her a lot and makes her unhappy, according to her own statement. The interviewer also notes that in the English translation of the questionnaire the translation of "school routine is missing; the question only refers to "day-to-day work". Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Konstrukt:Difficulties due to health problems
Ja |