Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
A. Ich bin befugt, Mitarbeiter einzustellen und zu entlassen.Itemtext:
English version:
A. Have the authority to hire or dismiss employees. A. Ich bin befugt, Mitarbeiter einzustellen und zu entlassen. Empfehlungen:
The quality and benefit of this item are difficult to assess. On the one hand, most respondents demonstrate a correct understanding of the item. However, both studies show that in practice, the necessity of hiring employees is much more accessible than the theoretical option to hire. Consequently, some respondents confound the item with Item C (having employees). Omitting this item is an option.
Befund zum Item:Online Probing:
With regard to Item A, across the three countries between 62% and 82% of the respondents say they have the authority to hire or dismiss employees. In response to a general probe asking them to explain their answer further, 86% of these respondents note that they are the owner (or one of the co-owners) of their company, have the authority to hire or dismiss employees, and (in many cases) have done so in the past:
Cognitive Interviews: In the German pretest, six respondents answered that they have the authority to hire or dismiss employees, of which five are self-employed as their main job. Four respondents answered that they do not have the authority, of which three are self-employed in their additional job. These respondents all work as one-man freelancers for mainly one company, and do not consider themselves to be “running a business” in that sense (DE11, DE14). The mainly self-employed who answered that he does not have the authority to hire or dismiss is the respondent who mainly takes care of his parents (DE03). One respondent wasn’t certain from a legal point of view as she is running a “microenterprise” and chose “Don’t know” (DE16). Having the authority to hire or dismiss employees is correctly understood by all respondents, regardless of whether or not they themselves have this authority. It is associated with having the right to sign binding contracts (DE01), having the responsibility of deciding whether personnel is necessary (DE02), being responsible for reaching a decision on whom to hire and justifying this decision (DE09). Not needing someone else’s permission to hire is also essential for several respondents (DE08, DE13). In the Polish pretest, six respondents answered that they have the authority to hire or dismiss employees, of which four are self-employed as their main job. With one exception, all respondents understand the term “Having the authority to hire or dismiss employees” correctly. This respondent, who is self-employed as his main paid job, answered that he does not have the authority. He justifies his answer with the fact that he does not have any employees. When further probed whether he could employ people being the business owner, he replied: “Theoretically yes, I guess so, yet I never considered that in this situation, I did not think about it“ (PL09). Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Arbeitssituation & Berufstätigkeit
Konstrukt:Details on self-employment
Ja |
B. Mir wird wöchentlich oder monatlich eine vereinbarte Vergütung gezahlt.Itemtext:
English version:
B. Get paid an agreed fee on a weekly or monthly basis. B. Mir wird wöchentlich oder monatlich eine vereinbarte Vergütung gezahlt. Empfehlungen:
Befund zum Item:Cognitive Interviews:
DE05 voices confusion about the item: „This is about my self-employed work? Well, no, how could I? I have day’s takings from my self-employed work. How could I speak of an agreed fee? There is no fee, there’s the money in my cash register, and I have to pay the business and myself from that, period. You can’t ask me about my salary or something as a self-employed. Well, maybe if it’s a big enterprise, then you might have a regular salary. I think that could work.“ Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Arbeitssituation & Berufstätigkeit
Konstrukt:Details on self-employment
Ja |
C. Ich habe Mitarbeiter (die für mich arbeiten).Itemtext:
English version:
C. Have employees (working for you). C. Ich habe Mitarbeiter (die für mich arbeiten). Empfehlungen:
Remove brackets in question text.
Befund zum Item:Online Probing:
When answering Item C, the majority of respondents in all three countries (between 56% and 65%) say they do not have employees working for them. Those who have employees working for them received a general probe and described the responsibilities of these employees as well as how many they employed, for example:
In the German pretest, a similar distribution can be seen as with item A. Of the five respondents who have employees working for them, four are self-employed in their main paid job. In contrast, of the six respondents who do not have employees, only two are mainly self-employed – and of these one is his parent’s caretaker (DE03). In the Polish pretest, three respondents answered that they have employees. All of those are self-employed in their main paid job. Four respondents do not have employees, of which three are self-employed as their main paid job. In both countries, all respondents give plausible answers, either explaining whom they have hired for their business, or explaining that they cannot afford to hire, and therefore do not have employees. The doctor (DE10) names her receptionists. One respondent explains that they are two founders, with three employees and several freelancers (DE09). One respondent differentiates that although he sometimes leads and trains colleagues, this does not make them his employees (DE01). Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Arbeitssituation & Berufstätigkeit
Konstrukt:Details on self-employment
Ja |
D. Generell hat meine Firma mehr als einen Kunden oder Klienten.Itemtext:
English version:
D. Generally have more than one client or customer. D. Generell hat meine Firma mehr als einen Kunden oder Klienten. Empfehlungen:
Befund zum Item:Cognitive Interviews:
DE09 points out that this question could be sensitive for some freelancers, as answering with “no” may seem like disguised employment and thus semi-legal. Thema der Frage:
Arbeit & Beruf/ Arbeitssituation & Berufstätigkeit
Konstrukt:Details on self-employment
Ja |