European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing & Cognitive Interviews


English version:
Regarding your business, do you…?

German version:
Stimmen Sie in Bezug auf Ihre Firma den folgenden Aussagen zu?


English version:
Don't know

German version:
Weiß nicht
Online Probing:
Only respondents who reported being self-employed received this question. Item C was used to set the quota for self-employed respondents with or without employees. Per country, at least 20 respondents with employees should be in the sample to achieve heterogeneity within the group of self-employed.
In question 10a, Item A and Item C were probed to discriminate the group of self-employed respondents further.

Cognitive Interviews:
Question 10 is asked to all respondents who identify as self-employed in their main paid job. This applies to six respondents in the German and to six respondents in the Polish pretest. In the cognitive pretest, the question was additionally asked to respondents who identified as employed in their main paid job, but as self-employed in an additional job. This applies to five respondents in the German and to one respondent in the Polish pretest. For these respondents, the question was asked at the end of the questionnaire to avoid confusion by switching between questions about the main paid job and additional job.
Respondents whose main paid job is self-employed are marked in orange in the tables to provide distinction between respondents who are mainly self-employed, and those who work in self-employment on the side.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing, Specific Probing. (OP)
General/Elaborative Probing, Comprehension Probing. (CI)
Itemtext Aktiv getestet


English version:

A. Have the authority to hire or dismiss employees.

German version:

A. Ich bin befugt, Mitarbeiter einzustellen und zu entlassen.


The quality and benefit of this item are difficult to assess. On the one hand, most respondents demonstrate a correct understanding of the item. However, both studies show that in practice, the necessity of hiring employees is much more accessible than the theoretical option to hire. Consequently, some respondents confound the item with Item C (having employees). Omitting this item is an option.


English version:

B. Get paid an agreed fee on a weekly or monthly basis.

German version:

B. Mir wird wöchentlich oder monatlich eine vereinbarte Vergütung gezahlt.




English version:

C. Have employees (working for you).

German version:

C. Ich habe Mitarbeiter (die für mich arbeiten).


Remove brackets in question text.


English version:

D. Generally have more than one client or customer.

German version:

D. Generell hat meine Firma mehr als einen Kunden oder Klienten.

