a) Minorities should adapt to German customs. [Minderheiten sollten sich den deutschen Gepflogenheiten anpassen.]
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Befund zum Item:
Three respondents are troubled by the term “Gepflogenheiten” (”customs”, ID 03, 07, 13):
- “Customs? Are they supposed to wash their car on Saturdays? What even are German customs? I do not like this term at all. It makes me think of old people, who monitor foreigners and moan about.” (ID 03, strongly disagree)
- “‘Gepflogenheiten’ meaning customs and traditions?” Then I would somewhat disagree. If ‘Gepflogenheiten’ refers to social norms and values, then I would strongly agree.” (ID 07, refused)
- "What are German customs? Punctuality? Otherwise everyone should live as they please.” (ID 13, somewhat agree).
For the sake of consistency, the term „Minderheiten“ (“minorities”) should
be replaced with the term „Einwanderer“ (“immigrants”):
"Immigrants should conform to German customs."
["Einwanderer sollten sich den deutschen Gepflogenheiten anpassen.“]
"Immigrants should conform to German customs."
["Einwanderer sollten sich den deutschen Gepflogenheiten anpassen.“]
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