

d. The use of gender-neutral language (e.g., Bürger*innen) should be encouraged by the government[Die Verwendung geschlechterneutraler Sprache (z. B. Bürger*innen) sollte vom Staat gefördert werden.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Is the term "gender-equal language" preferable to the term "gender-neutral language"?

By the term "gender-neutral" language, the test persons understood quite different things. Some associated it only with the masculine plural form (citizens), others that both gender forms are mentioned in the plural separately (citizens), and still others that (through the asterisk) diverse is also integrated:

  • "That every person or every group is addressed with the formulations. Bürgerinnen und Bürger is a good example, because it addresses both men and women." (TP 01)
  • "Both female and male and through the asterisk also divers people." (TP 05)
  • "'Gender-neutral' language is just citizens and not female citizens. [...] When you talk about people and citizens, it doesn't have to mean female citizens and male citizens." (TP 08)

Most of the test persons who grasped under it more than the female and male gender were in favor of the formulation "gender-equal language" (TP 03, 04, 05, 10):

  • "I think the term 'gender-equal language' is a bit more neutral. [With 'gender-neutral language'] you try to regulate something that can't be regulated. 'Equal' is more positively ex-pressed [and] I think it's better in terms of language use." (TP 03)
  • "'Gender-equal’ just gets to the heart of the matter more. You've got the justice in there right away. But, of course, there's the valuation in there. 'Neutral' is maybe not as polarizing as when you have justice in there with the word, but [‘equal’] I like better." (TP 10)

Those who favored the phrase "gender-neutral language" (TP 01, 02, 06) reasoned that, in their opinion, it sounded better/neutral:

  • "The term just, to me, when I hear it that way now, it sounds better." (TP 01)
  • "'Neutral' I find better, because otherwise people say again, 'That is now again not ‘equal’. Then it's enforced again, then it's difficult again." (TP 06)

Three test persons (TP 07, 08, 09) said that it made no difference to them. One of them "doesn't understand either" (TP 07). The second commented that both formulations included all genders, "[With 'gender neutral'] it includes women and men and children and everything. [With] 'gender-equal,' every-thing is also included." (TP 08) The third respondent (as well as another who had expressed support for "gender equitable") differentiated between the two terms:

  • "'Neutral' would be Bürgernde, instead of Bürgerinnen and Bürger - that doesn't work with the word. Mitarbeitende would be gender-neutral [and Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter fair]. The terms would have to be invented. That's why I would actually find 'gender-equal' language more appropriate." (SP 05)
  • "It's not about better or worse, it's about right. So, [with] a 'gender-neutral language' [...] I remove the meaning of gender from the language use, whereas 'gender-equal' language names things as they should be. [...] 'Gender-neutral' means that I refrain from emphasizing a gender. [...] In the other variant, the gender is in the focus. 'Gender right' is to call a female table dancer also a Tabledancerin and not a Tabledancer, because there are actually no men." (TP 09)


Since some of the test persons interpreted the term "promote" in financial terms, we recommend using another term, such as " advance" or "support”.

Furthermore, the position of the item within the battery on climate change irritated some respondents. The item should therefore be asked separately.