b. ...a high-voltage line was to be laid underground? [...eine Hochspannungsleitung in der Erde verlegt werden soll?]
Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
A negative attitude toward the laying of high-voltage lines underground (item b) was mostly justified by doubts about their safety, that they were less efficient than above-ground lines and not sustainable, or that the necessary construction measures were rejected. Respondents who were in favor of the infrastructure measures justified this by saying that undergrounding would be practical, safe, and not visually disruptive:
- "I don't know if it's safe." (TP231, response: rather disagree).
- "Undergrounding is significantly more expensive, reduces efficiency, and probably takes long-er." (TP345, response: rather disagree)
- "Offers many advantages (e.g., safe from storms, better for the environment, nicer)." (TP294, response: strongly agree).
- "Is necessary for the future and underground it does not disturb the view in nature." (TP382, Answer: strongly agree).
- "I am in favor if it is reasonable and well isolated and if the excavations do not use too much area. It is important that the original condition is restored if possible or well compensated by power companies." (TP384, response: neither agree nor disagree)
- "I think repair work is costly, roads need to be opened, etc." (TP392, response: neither agree nor disagree)
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
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