a. I am concerned that immigration to Europe will increase because of climate change. [Mir macht Sorgen, dass die Zuwanderung nach Europa wegen des Klimawandels zunehmen wird.]
Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
For item a, those respondents who disagreed with the statement argued that immigration is good in itself and that it occurs primarily for other reasons (e.g., wars):
- "Immigration happens even without climate change." (TP235, response: rather disagree)
- "I think that migration from other countries has nothing to do with climate change, but rather with war and famine." (TP290, response: strongly disagree)
- "It will enrich our country." (TP391, response: strongly disagree).
- "We cannot be the welfare for the whole world." (TP255, response: strongly agree)
- "More people means less housing or more needs to be built." (TP263, response: strongly agree)
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.
Frage getestet: