

b. I am concerned that jobs are being destroyed as a result of climate policy without sufficient new ones being created. [Mir macht Sorgen, dass infolge der Klimapolitik Arbeitsplätze vernichtet werden, ohne dass ausreichend neue geschaffen werden.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

For item b, those test persons who disagreed with the statement argued that new jobs could be creat-ed through the development of new technologies:
  • "It is precisely through climate policy that new jobs are created after all (e.g.wind power plants, solar parks, etc.)." (TP233, response: rather disagree).
  • "In order to achieve the goals in combating climate change, new technologies must be developed, which in turn promote the emergence of new industries." (TP296, response: strongly disagree).
In contrast, test subjects who agreed with the statement justified it with concerns about job losses in areas such as the auto industry or air travel, which could not be compensated for by newly created jobs:
  • "If no new other jobs are created by cutting current jobs in mining, nuclear power, the auto industry, and air travel, for example, these people will be left without jobs." (TP280, response: strongly agree)
  • "As a result of climate policy, some companies will have to close. The question is whether new businesses and jobs will be created." (TP455, response: strongly agree)


The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.