

a.I am concerned that my own standard of living will decline because of climate policy.[Mir macht Sorgen, dass mein eigener Lebensstandard wegen der Klimapolitik sinken wird.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

For item a, respondents who disagreed with the statement justified their answers by saying that their own way of life had already been adapted or that they would accept cuts in their standard of living because it was more important to stop climate change:
  • "Because climate change is an urgent issue that absolutely must be addressed. Even if the current standard of living goes down, I think it's necessary." (TP262, response: rather disagree)
  • "Why should I be concerned? My standard of living is already relatively climate friendly." (TP303, response: strongly disagree)
Test persons who agreed with the statement justified their answers with concerns about rising energy and food prices or restrictions on vacationing:

  • "The cost of food and energy will rise." (TP279, response: rather agree)
  • "I like to travel a lot and want to continue to do so (without interference and a guilty con-science)." (TP382, response: strongly agree)
  • "Raising prices and keeping wages the same doesn't make it any easier financially for fami-lies." (TP498, response: strongly agree)


The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the item, so it can be left in its current form.