

a) I am willing to work harder than I normally have to in order to meet the very highest demands of my profession. [Ich bin bereit, härter zu arbeiten als ich normalerweise muss, um die allerhöchsten Anforderungen an meinen Beruf zu erfüllen.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

In each case five test persons agree (or strongly agree) with the statement and disagree. Three test persons (TP 03, TP 04, TP 15) answer "neither nor" and two test persons "don’t know" (TP 05, TP 08).

Three of the test persons who answer "neither nor" or "don’t know" (TP 04, TP 05, TP 08) justify their answer by stating that it is unclear to them what the question is aimed at or what is meant by the "all-highest occupational requirements:
  • “I don't understand the question. What does that mean?" (TP 04)
  • “I'm already thinking about what that means. What exactly does that mean, "to meet the highest standards in my profession"? A pilot has to fly people or cargo from A to B and if he doesn't meet his highest requirements, he flies from Berlin to New York and then only to Madrid?“ (TP 05)
  • “I keep thinking about it because I don't really understand it. I'm just trying to combine "working harder than I normally have to." I should be able to meet the requirements anyway. I can't say that I do. I don't really understand the context.“ (TP 08)
Test person 02 misunderstands the question and misinterprets the term "requirements" as an "order" or "work instruction": "If I don't do this, it's a refusal to work. So I have to do it." (TP 02).

Three test persons (TP 07, TP 11, TP 12) state that the formulation "highest" requirements is a little exaggerated, which is why they tend to tone down their answer and indicate that they agree with the statement to a lesser extent:
  • „The "very highest"? (laughs). The "very highest" thing has a negative connotation for me here. It makes me think about the fact that you do that and then you drop dead because you have met the "very highest" requirements. I am definitely willing to work harder, but nobody can really meet the "highest" requirements.” (TP 07, disagree)
  • „I find it a bit excessive to meet the "very highest" requirements of my profession. I wouldn't do that. "Neither" or "don't agree" wouldn't fit either. So I'm willing to work harder than I normally have to in order to meet the demands of my profession. But for the "very highest" requirements, I would not agree.” (TP 11, agree)
  • „To meet the "very highest" requirements? So sometime is good, you can't do more than work." (TP 12, disagree)
When asked whether the respondents had thought about their job, profession or company/organization when answering the statement, four respondents (TP 02, TP 07, TP11, TP 12) stated that they had thought about their company/organization. The remaining 11 test persons referred to their current activity or their learned occupation corresponding to their current activity when answering the item (as intended by the questionnaire developers). Only respondent 10 refers (erroneously) to their learned occupation when answering this item, which however does not correspond to their current activity.


We recommend adding the word "current" to this statement (see item b) to make it clear that the statement refers to current and not former employment. We also recommend that the word "highest" be softened somewhat and replaced by "highest". Furthermore, it should be made clearer what is meant by "demands on my profession". Finally, we propose to place the subordinate clause at the beginning of the sentence to prevent it from being ignored when answering the item (see battery of questions 5). A possible formulation would be:
“In order to perform my professional duties in the best possible way, I am willing to work harder than I normally have to.“ [„Um meine beruflichen Aufgaben bestmöglich zu erfüllen, bin ich bereit, härter zu arbeiten als ich normalerweise muss.“]

Frage getestet:
