

b) It is quite clear to me what belonging to my culture of origin means to me. [Mir ist ziemlich klar, was die Zugehörigkeit zu meiner Herkunftskultur für mich bedeutet.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Also for item b) the majority of the test persons "rather" (n=6) or "fully" (n=5) agree. Only test person 03 "rather does not agree" and test person 10 chooses the answer "partly agree".

The test persons 08 and 15 do not select an answer here. For both it is not clear what this statement refers to: "I do not know what should be clear to me" (TP 08). When asked what belonging to their culture of origin means to them personally, subject 08 states that the Polish language is important to her and that she can speak it with her children. She further explains that although she comes from Poland, "I would certainly not say I am Polish. Because I'm not really Polish any more. I'm so in between, such a mixture." When asked whether she would describe herself as German, test person 08 also answers with "no, I would definitely not. I have an accent, I can't tell anyone that I am German. I don't want that either, I don't need that either" . Test person 15 also has a problem. For him it is not clear how the meaning should be expressed: "What does ‘means to me’ mean? Whether I am emotionally... I have problems. I have to think about what that means. Whether I'll put my hand on my heart and sing the anthem when Germany is in the final? Or whether I'll just sit still? It's a bit unclear to me which direction this is going in. Is it about patriotism or, conversely, about demarcation? I have the feeling, ‘What do they want from me?’” (TP 15). For subject 08, item b) poses a problem because of her migration background, subject 15, who is German, does not have a clear frame of reference and therefore refuses to answer. Test person 03 rather disagrees with the statement, but justifies her answer similarly to the test persons who did not give an answer. She says she cannot assess "what it means emotionally for me. That would be something I would have to think about for quite a long time" (TP 03). Test subject 10 responded to item b) with "partly", but argues similarly. He says, "Partly I know, but partly I don't know either. I would have to google how German culture is expressed. I have not yet thought about the word" (TP 10).

The explanations of the test persons with a migration background are striking here, but in particular those of test person 04, who also stood out in item a). She agrees "completely with the statement", but reports very neutrally, "I know which criteria have to be fulfilled so that I belong 100% to this country" . She interprets the statement to mean that she is aware of certain points, such as traditions and language of her parents' Chinese culture of origin, which she would have to meet in order to belong to the country completely. Accordingly, she answers the statement not in relation to the personal significance of belonging, but in relation to existing factual knowledge about the parents' culture of origin. In stark contrast to the statement of test person 04, the statement of test person 06 is in complete agreement with the statement of test person 04. She justifies her answer with the statement "that I will never be like the Germans" (TP 06). She is very aware of her cultural roots and their significance for her. Test person 09 is also very aware of her cultural roots, agrees more with statement b), and explains that "it is quite clear to me what would have been different in my life if it had been different. I can imagine it pretty well. If I did not have the cultural background or if I had stayed there" . Test person 11 also agrees more with the statement, and attributes it to "the traditions and customs. That I stick to traditions [...] that you live a little bit according to them."

The three remaining test persons, who fully agree with the statement, also give different reasons for their answers. Either with the fact that they feel comfortable and at home here (TP 05) or that they identify strongly with their culture of origin (TP 14). Test person 07 says that she fully agrees because she has spent her whole life in Germany and "therefore I can't think of anything else but agreeing with that" . Test person 01 "only" rather agrees because she is not 100% sure "what the culture of origin says, what is behind it - apart from religion and values" . Test person 02 rather agrees with the statement, because "this sounds a bit like the first statement to me" , as well as test person 13, who with increasing age returns to her cultural and family roots. Test person 12 answered "out of feeling" and did "not think that long".

Regarding item b), it can be noted that the test persons cover a broad spectrum with their associations and that similar arguments are reflected in different response options. This is not surprising, since the item is formulated very vaguely and the intention is not clear.


The intention of the item is very unclear, which can be attributed to the vague formulation of the entire statement. If the item is to be used to inquire about the significance of the culture of origin, we recommend to reformulate statement b) as follows:

Belonging to the [German/ Polish/ Turkish/ Kurdish etc.] culture means a lot to me. 
[Die Zugehörigkeit zur [deutschen/ polnischen/ türkischen/ kurdischen etc.] Kultur bedeutet mir viel.]

If, however, the item is intended to record whether the test persons are aware of the criteria that determine whether they belong to their parents' culture of origin, then we recommend the following formulation:

I know what makes me a part of the [German/ Polish/ Turkish/ Kurdish etc.] culture.
[Ich weiß, was mich zu einem Teil der [deutschen/ polnischen/ türkischen/ kurdischen etc.] Kultur macht.]

Umsetzung der Empfehlungen:

Item revised

Frage getestet:
