

The system of government practiced by the Prophet Mohammed can be implemented anytime and anywhere. [Das vom Propheten Mohammed praktizierte Regierungssystem kann jederzeit und überall umgesetzt werden.]

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Befund zum Item:

A German-speaking test person broods over this item for a long time, and explains that although he had taught Islam, he had not yet read the Koran or Sunna completely and cannot say what kind of system of government the Prophet Mohammed practiced. After long hesitation he decides to leave the item unanswered (DE01). A Turkish test person also leaves the item unanswered because she considers the question too difficult (TR08).

Most test persons cannot explain in detail what the system of government practiced by the Prophet Mohammed consists of. Two test persons mention the Sharia (DE04, TR10) and one the caliphate (AR13). Nevertheless, the item works in the sense that the respondents choose an answer option that reflects their opinion of how the teachings of Mohammed are applicable today.


In principle, the items can be left as they are, but the translations should be checked. Arabic in particular could contain formulations that lead to the abort.