

c) …to judge when you should get a second opinion from another doctor? […zu beurteilen, wann Sie eine zweite Meinung von einem anderen Arzt einholen sollten?]

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AR02 has problems with the term "second opinion". According to the interpreter it is not clear in the Arabic translation that the second opinion is about the same medical case again. This could be translated more precisely.

After the interviewer clarifies what is meant by this, the test person states that she always asks for a second opinion, as she no longer has confidence in individual doctors and will certainly consult another one. Since the test person always proceeds in this way, she states that it is easy to make this decision.


Test persons FAR01, FAR02 and the interpreters agree that the question was poorly translated: "When do they have to get the second opinion?"

FAR01 misunderstands the question and thinks of a follow-up appointment with the same doctor and not a second opinion from another doctor.

On the other hand, FAR02 understands the question correctly, but states that she does not know anyone in Germany who could recommend another doctor to her, which is why she has never asked for a second opinion. Therefore the test person is uncertain what to tick. Without an interviewer she would have chosen "very difficult".


Test person RUS01 notes that question 17f and 18c are very similar: "same question" . Furthermore, the test person states that she does not know that it is her right to get a second opinion. The interpreter then explains that the understanding of the question depends on how long one has been living in Germany, as this behaviour is generally very unusual in Russia.

RUS02 also shows problems of understanding: "What does it mean to be able to get a second opinion?“ . It is also unclear what exactly is to be assessed in the question of when a second opinion should be obtained or how easy this should be. The interpreter confirms that the question was translated unluckily: "Estimating when you can get a second opinion from a doctor?”. Both test persons leave the question unanswered.


In this question, the term "second opinion" should be reworded or the pro-cedure explained, as this terminology has led to problems of understanding for almost all test persons.

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