Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE) (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The Dari and Arabic translation of the items were tested. These are English translations of the original German source items.*

Question Text:

How many times in the last four weeks did it happen that you...
[Wie oft kam es in den letzten vier Wochen vor, dass Sie...]

Answer Categories:

never [nie]
rarely [selten]
sometimes [manchmal]
often [oft]
always [immer]
not specified [keine Angabe]
The items 2, 3 and 5were systematically tested. For the other items, only spontaneous responses of the test persons were available, if at all.

Other findings

Two Dari-speaking test persons left out the temporal frame of reference and asked whether the question was about whether they were currently suffering from these troubles or whether they were suffering from them in general (DA03, DA05). In addition, one test person asked whether the temporal frame of reference also applied to the last two items in this question, which were on a separate page (IR01).

One test person noted that she lacked the appropriate response option for item 3 ("...felt down and gloomy?") (IR04). She suffers from depression and would want to answer the question with "almost always" or "most of the time." The options given were not specific enough for her. She finally selected the option "often." None of the other test person had comments on the answer categories.

One test person initially misunderstood the sentence structure of item 5 ("...because of mental or emotional problems in your work or your daily activities you have achieved less than you wanted?") and then misinterpreted the scale (SY04). She chose "always" to express that she always gets her work done. When asked or pointed out by the translator, she corrected her answer to "never".

Cognitive Techniques:

General Probing, Comprehension Probing, Emergent Probing
Item Text Actively tested
1. ... felt rushed or under time pressure?
[... sich gehetzt oder unter Zeitdruck fühlten?]

Item Text:

2. ... had severe physical pain?
[... starke körperliche Schmerzen hatten?]


No changes recommended.

Item Text:

3. … felt down and gloomy?
[... sich niedergeschlagen und trübsinnig fühlten?]


No changes recommended.
4. …felt lots of energy?
[... jede Menge Energie verspürten?]

Item Text:

5. …because of mental or emotional problems in your work or your daily activities you have achieved less than you wanted?
[... wegen seelischer oder emotionaler Probleme in Ihrer Arbeit oder Ihren alltäglichen Beschäftigungen weniger geschafft haben, als Sie wollten?]


No changes recommended.